ManicMammy's Blog

Reviews, news, family, wine and me

Order in the house

As previously mentioned our kids love LEGO and therefore bits of it are everywhere throughout the house.  I had just used an ordinary plastic bin to store it all in and this was continually upended in order to find the “exact correct necessary” LEGO block when creating the latest masterpiece. My back isn’t what it [...]

Yummy Pizza

Oscar, our 9 year old completed this course last Saturday. He is interested in food and cooking and is able to make himself basics like poached eggs on toast, omelettes, smoothies etc. He loves pizza so the thought of making his own from scratch appealed to him. He arrived home after the course chuffed with [...]

Try, try again…

Maybe this is the place I should go to a few times before my next snowboarding trip. Looks like I could get some much needed practice in before facing the real slopes. Check out the video on the snowboarding page. Oh to be that proficient on the piste. Am definitely going to have to get [...]

Review of

Last week I got to the stage where I had to buy new frying pans, the ones we had were totally worn, everything was sticking to them and it was driving me nuts. The thought of heading to a department store with kids and searching for suitable replacements didn’t fill me with joy so once [...]

Can we go there?

The kids are all excited…about a museum. Not just any museum. Its the LA Natural History Museum. And this is the reason.