First Aid Course for Parents
Posted on | September 19, 2009 | No Comments
Recently Sibéal, our carnivore aged 5, was chomping on some steak as is her wont, when she started going very red in the face and making a godawful noise. She was choking and we needed to do something asap. Its been 10 years since I did a first aid course, shortly after Oscar was born, so most of what I’ve learnt is a bit hazy. Thankfully on this occasion, the food had only partially blocked her airway and we were able to remove it quickly.
The whole episode reminded me acutely that I need to refresh my first aid skills very soon. I need to know whats the correct and fastest course of action without having to think about it.
It was therefore a very welcomed coincidence when Claire and Martina from Tots2Teens parenting website contacted me about their 1 day intensive Pediatric First Aid Courses.
I think its a brilliant idea.
An extensive range of first aid scenarios and treatment is covered in one day:
- Approach to an accident
- Disorders of breathing and CPR
- Wounds, bleeding and trauma
- Fractures and broken bones
- Burns and scalds
- Medical Emergencies
The next few courses are running in the following locations on these dates:
3rd October 2009 & 7th November 2009 – Bewleys Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
17th October 2009 & 14th November 2009 – Kingsley Hotel, Victoria Cross, Cork
It costs €140 per person or €250 per couple. As a parent, I believe this is great value for something I hope I’ll never have to use but chances are, with kids, I will. Being prepared, knowing how to assess the scenario and apply the right procedure is crucial for my peace of mind. Looking forward to attending the Cork course.
The First Aid Course for Parents by ManicMammy's Blog, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
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