Mango Outlet
Posted on | May 25, 2008 | No Comments
I recently discovered this website by way of a link from the main Mango site. Its basically a discount site that has garments from previous seasons available for sale at greatly reduced rates.
It suits me down to the ground as I’m not really a fashionista preferring to stick to shapes and colours that I feel suit me.
As result I ended up buying an assortment of 7 skirts and shorts for just under €100. Bargain. The only downside for me was that delivery wasn’t free as per the usual Mango website but cost €14.
Some of the garments are also limited in the sizes available, I would guess as result of more popular sizes selling out.
But definitely worth a look for the cheap prices.
The Mango Outlet by ManicMammy's Blog, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
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